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Computing & Information Systems Department


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Dr. Cynthia J. Martincic

Professor Emeritus

Dr. Cynthia Martincic

General Information


Dr. Cynthia Martincic taught for our Computing and Information Systems Department from 2001 to 2021. After working several years in hospitals as a medical technologist, she decided to change careers, so she took a computer class on a whim, and has been hooked ever since.

Her favorite part about working at Saint Vincent is the friendly atmosphere and the location. "The campus itself is beautiful, and it is wonderful to walk out of my building and see the mountains and the farms. Since I work in a technical area, it is refreshing to have views of nature so close to work."

Her favorite course is C++ Programming (the introductory programming course). "I like teaching programming courses, because I like to build or make stuff – in this case, software applications, and I enjoy teaching others how to build stuff." Her love of building things and fixing problems goes back to her days hanging around her father's auto repair business "learning how cars worked and seeing how he went about diagnosing and fixing problems." She added, "Debugging computer programs is a similar process, actually."

Dr. Martincic also enjoys taking time away from the computer. She enjoys taking walks through the woods, working in her yard and reading books (printed books, not digital books, because as she puts it, "I spend enough time on digital devices when working").


  • CS105 Introduction to Web Page Design
  • CS109 Introduction to Visual Basic
  • CS110 - C++ Programming I
  • CS111 - C++ Programming II
  • CS205 Web Programming and Design
  • CS214 - Mobile Applications
  • CS221 - Data Structures
  • CS250 User Interface Design
  • CS255 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • CS270 Introduction to Numerical Computation
  • CS351 Systems Analysis and Design
  • CS355 - Software Engineering
  • CS357 - Senior Project I
  • CS358 - Senior Project II
  • CS465 Management of Information Systems
  • CS550 CIS Internships for credit