CS 312 Home Page
Introduction to Algorithms
Fall 2020
This course covers the design, operation, and running time analysis of a wide array of algorithms. This includes the study of
algorithms that follow these paradigms: divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, randomized algorithms, and greedy algorithms.
Algorithms examined include many for searching and sorting; insertions, lookups, and deletions in various data structures;
and common graph algorithms. Prerequisites: CS 221 and CS 171.
Further Information
Studying and Homework
- Take a few minutes to watch these short videos:
How to Study
by cognitive psychogist Stephen Chew. It could help you in this class and others!
- Assignments will be posted in Schoology.
- Log into Schoology often to see what you have due soon.
Information on exams, such as when they will be and what they will cover, will be posted in