/* Filename: lststack.cpp Programmer: Br. David Carlson Date: August 8, 1998 Modified: June 7, 1999 to use exceptions. Last Modified: December 23, 2001 This file implements the functions of the LstStackClass found in LstStack.h. */ #include "lststack.h" /* Given: Nothing (other than the implicit LstStackClass object). Task: To check whether this object is empty. Return: true if it is empty, false otherwise. */ bool LstStackClass::Empty(void) const { return List.Empty(); // Note the use of 2 different Empty functions! } /* Given: Item A data item. Task: To push item onto the stack (the implicit object). Return: Nothing directly, but the implicit object is modified. */ void LstStackClass::Push(const ItemType & Item) { try { List.InsertFront(Item); } catch(char * Str) { cout << "Error: could not push -- " << Str << endl; } } /* Given: Nothing. Task: To pop the top item from the stack (the implicit object). Return: Item The item popped from the stack. */ void LstStackClass::Pop(ItemType & Item) { try { Item = List.RemoveFront(); // assumes that = works on this type } catch(int Num) { cout << "Error: could not remove -- " << endl; } }