/* Filename: Reference: (only if you used some material from a book or other reference) Author: (or authors) Date: This program ... (Complete the description, giving a brief user manual on how to use the program. This should describe the input needed, a summary of what is done overall by the program, and the output. Be sure to describe any files used by the program, how the data should be arranged in these files, etc.) */ // Include files: #include using namespace std; // Function prototypes may go here, but are more commonly put in a header file. int main(void) { return 0; } // Other functions, commented using the Given, Task, Return style: /* Given: (Describe data being passed into the function via the parameters.) Task: (Explain what the function does overall, in terms of the parameters.) Return: (Describe data being sent back out of the function. Give the name of the parameter used for each such item of data or explain that the data is being sent back in the function name.) */ void fn(parameters) { }