/* Filename: avlnode.h Programmer: Br. David Carlson Reference: Data Structures with C++, by Ford and Topp Date: October 12, 1997 Modified: June 9, 1999 to create AVLNodePtr type. This is the header file to accompany avlnode.cpp. It sets up the class AVLNodeClass as shown below. */ #ifndef AVLNODE_H #define AVLNODE_H #include "bstnode.h" class AVLNodeClass: public BSTNodeClass { private: int Balance; public: // constructor: AVLNodeClass(const ItemType & Item, AVLNodeClass * LeftPtr = NULL, AVLNodeClass * RightPtr = NULL, int BalanceValue = 0); friend class AVLClass; friend class AVLTableClass; // may not get to implementing this }; typedef AVLNodeClass * AVLNodePtr; #endif