This page contains the notes from an old demo of how to access the Internet, how to use various protocols from a browser, and the basics of how http works.
Note: the following has changed in that we now use secure shell login; telnet cannot be used to log in. How to use telnet and ftp: Log into acad1. telnet (Let's me log into my Linux account, userid carlsond.) exit ftp First, use carlsond as userid. ls help getput bye ftp Use anonymous as the userid and my email address as the password. bye Now, use telnet and ftp clients on the PC to do the same stuff. Some versions of ftp let you copy files by dragging them, but others (such as Microsoft telnet) are of the command-line variety. Using other protocols in a browser: Start Netscape and fill in: telnet:// (yes, the browser just uses Microsoft's telnet) (View source to see the HTML tags.) The following still works (telnet to port 80): How to manually interact with a Web server by using telnet: Log into acad1. telnet 80 GET /carlsond/index.html HTTP/1.0 enter a blank line (code 200 means OK) telnet 80 GET /index.html HTTP/1.0 enter a blank line telnet 80 GET /jobs.html HTTP/1.0 enter a blank line telnet 80 GET index.html HTTP/1.0 enter a blank line (code 400 for error) telnet 80 GET /index.html (works, but leaves out content type info at the top)