PROGRAM LEQTest ! Author: Br. David Carlson ! ! Reference: A pseudocode algorithm for Gaussian elimination is found on p. 254 of Numerical ! Methods for Engineers, 5th ed., by Steven C. Chapra and Raymond P. Canale, ! McGraw-Hill (2002). The functions I wrote below follow their pseudocode. ! ! Date: March 1, 2008 ! ! Description: This program solves a system of n linear equations in n variables of the form Ax = B. ! The user must ensure that values are supplied for the following input data: ! n the number of variables (and the number of equations) ! A the 2-dimensional matrix of coefficients for the equations ! B the 1-dimensional matrix containing the right-hand side values for the equations ! tol the tolerance for error ! The output, if the computation is successful, is the vector x that approximately ! solves the system of equations. In addition, the program shows the product Ax alongside ! the right-hand side vector B so that the user can see how closely x solves the ! equation Ax = B. If unsuccessful, either because the system has no solution, is ! ill-conditioned, or has some other problem, the output is an error message. ! All input is taken from the text file It is assumed that this file contains ! the value of n, the coefficients of A (row by row), and then the values in B, with ! one number per line of the file. Output is normally written to the text file leq.out. ! However, if opening this file is unsuccessful, an error message will be written to the ! screen. The input file should be in the same directory as this program, and the output ! file will be placed in the same directory as well. IMPLICIT NONE ! Data Dictionary: REAL, PARAMETER::tol = 0.00001 ! tolerance for error INTEGER, PARAMETER::m = 10 ! maximum number of equations (and variables) INTEGER::n ! the number of variables (and the number of equations) REAL, DIMENSION(m)::B ! 1-dimensional matrix containing the right-hand side values for the equations REAL, DIMENSION(m)::Bsav ! a copy of the original data from B REAL, DIMENSION(m)::x ! the vector containing the approximate solution to the system of equations REAL, DIMENSION(m, m)::A ! the 2-dimensional matrix of coefficients for the equations REAL, DIMENSION(m, m)::Asav ! a copy of the original data from A INTEGER::ErrorFlag ! a value of -1 will be used to indicate an error INTEGER::k ! loop control variable INTEGER::Status ! Indicates result of running LEQSolve. 0 is success. CALL ReadData(A, B, n, m, Status) IF (Status == 0) THEN Asav = A Bsav = B CALL LEQSolve(A, B, n, x, tol, ErrorFlag, m) IF (ErrorFlag == -1) THEN WRITE (3, *) "An error occurred. Perhaps the system is ill-conditioned or has no solution." ELSE WRITE (3, *) "Vector x contains the following approximate solution to the system:" WRITE (3, 100) (x(k), k = 1, n) 100 FORMAT (' ', 5F14.6) CALL CheckAnswer(Asav, Bsav, n, x, m) END IF CLOSE (UNIT=3) END IF END PROGRAM ! Given: n the number of equations (and number of variables) in the system to be solved. ! A an n by n array containing the coefficients for the equations. ! B a linear array holding the n right-hand side values. ! tol The tolerance for error. ! m the max number of equations (and number of variables) ! Task: This subroutine attempts to solve the system of linear equations Ax = B. ! Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting is used. Scaled numbers are used when ! deciding the pivot elements, but the overall problem is not scaled. ! Return: x The approximate solution SUBROUTINE LEQSolve(A, B, n, x, tol, ErrorFlag, m) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN)::n REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(m, m)::A REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(m)::B REAL, INTENT(IN)::tol REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(m)::x INTEGER, INTENT(OUT)::ErrorFlag INTEGER, INTENT(IN)::m ! Local variables: REAL, DIMENSION(m)::Scaled INTEGER::row, col ErrorFlag = 0 DO row = 1, n Scaled(row) = ABS(A(row, 1)) DO col = 2, n IF (ABS(A(row, col)) > Scaled(row)) THEN Scaled(row) = ABS(A(row, col)) END IF END DO END DO CALL Eliminate(A, Scaled, n, B, tol, ErrorFlag, m) IF (ErrorFlag /= -1) THEN CALL BackSubstitution(A, n, B, x, m) END IF END SUBROUTINE ! Given: n the number of equations (and number of variables) in the system to be solved. ! A an n by n array containing the coefficients for the equations. ! B a linear array holding the n right-hand side values. ! tol The tolerance for error. ! ErrorFlag Will put -1 into this variable if there is an error. ! Scaled Contains max abs values of coefficients in each row of A. ! m the max number of equations (and number of variables) ! Task: This subroutine attempts to eliminate the coefficients in A below each diagonal ! element. Partial pivoting is used at each diagonal element, if called for, before ! elimination is done in each column. ! Return: A Updated array A. ! B Updated array B. ! Scaled Updated array Scaled. ! ErrorFlag Updated if an error occurred. SUBROUTINE Eliminate(A, Scaled, n, B, tol, ErrorFlag, m) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN)::n REAL, INTENT(INOUT), DIMENSION(m, m)::A REAL, INTENT(INOUT), DIMENSION(m)::B REAL, INTENT(INOUT), DIMENSION(m)::Scaled REAL, INTENT(INOUT)::tol INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT)::ErrorFlag INTEGER, INTENT(IN)::m ! Local variables: REAL::Factor INTEGER::k, row, col DO k = 1, n - 1 CALL Pivot(A, B, Scaled, n, k, m) IF (ABS(A(k, k)) / Scaled(k) < tol) THEN ErrorFlag = -1 EXIT END IF DO row = k + 1, n Factor = A(row, k) / A(k, k) DO col = k + 1, n A(row, col) = A(row, col) - Factor * A(k, col) END DO B(row) = B(row) - Factor * B(k) END DO END DO IF (ABS(A(k, k)) / Scaled(k) < tol) THEN ErrorFlag = -1 END IF END SUBROUTINE ! Given: n the number of equations (and number of variables) in the system to be solved. ! A an n by n array containing the coefficients for the equations. ! B a linear array holding the n right-hand side values. ! k The row and column number for the current diagonal element in A being examined. ! Scaled Contains max abs values of coefficients in each row of A. ! m the max number of equations (and number of variables) ! Task: This subroutine looks at the elements in A below the k, k position, scaling then according ! to the Scaled(k) value. The item with the largest ratio to Scaled(k) is swapped with A(k, k) ! if its ratio is bigger than A(k, k) / Scaled(k). Of course, everything to the right of position ! k in both of these rows is swapped, as are the two value in B and the two value in Scaled. ! Return: A Updated array A. ! B Updated array B. ! Scaled Updated array Scaled. SUBROUTINE Pivot(A, B, Scaled, n, k, m) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN)::n INTEGER, INTENT(IN)::k REAL, INTENT(INOUT), DIMENSION(m, m)::A REAL, INTENT(INOUT), DIMENSION(m)::B REAL, INTENT(INOUT), DIMENSION(m)::Scaled INTEGER, INTENT(IN)::m ! Local variables: INTEGER::PivotLocation, row, col REAL::Big, Dummy PivotLocation = k Big = ABS(A(k, k) / Scaled(k)) DO row = k + 1, n Dummy = ABS(A(row, k) / Scaled(row)) IF (Dummy > Big) THEN Big = Dummy PivotLocation = row END IF END DO IF (PivotLocation /= k) THEN DO col = k, n Dummy = A(PivotLocation, col) A(PivotLocation, col) = A(k, col) A(k, col) = Dummy END DO Dummy = B(PivotLocation) B(PivotLocation) = B(k) B(k) = Dummy Dummy = Scaled(PivotLocation) Scaled(PivotLocation) = Scaled(k) Scaled(k) = Dummy END IF END SUBROUTINE ! Given: n the number of equations (and number of variables) in the system to be solved. ! A an n by n array containing the coefficients for the equations. ! B a linear array holding the n right-hand side values. ! m the max number of equations (and number of variables) ! Task: This subroutine assumes that Gaussian elimination has already been done on array A, ! so that everything below the diagonal is zero. This subroutine does back ! substitution to find the solutions x for Ax = B. ! Return: x The approximate solution SUBROUTINE BackSubstitution(A, n, B, x, m) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN)::n REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(m, m)::A REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(m)::B REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(m)::x INTEGER, INTENT(IN)::m ! Local variables: INTEGER::row, col REAL::Sum x(n) = B(n) / A(n, n) DO row = n - 1, 1, -1 Sum = 0.0 Do col = row + 1, n Sum = Sum + A(row, col) * x(col) END DO x(row) = (B(row) - Sum) / A(row, row) END DO END SUBROUTINE ! Given: n the number of equations (and number of variables) in the system. ! A an n by n array containing the coefficients for the equations. ! B a linear array holding the n right-hand side values. ! x The approximate solution. ! m the max number of equations (and number of variables) ! Task: This subroutine checks the solution x by multiplying Ax and then printing ! both this product and the array B so that the user can see how closely ! the two match. For a perfect solution, of course, we would have Ax = B. ! Return: Nothing SUBROUTINE CheckAnswer(A, B, n, x, m) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN)::n REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(m, m)::A REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(m)::B REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(m)::x INTEGER, INTENT(IN)::m INTEGER::row, col REAL::temp WRITE (3, 70) DO row = 1, n temp = 0.0 DO col = 1, n temp = temp + A(row, col) * x(col) END DO WRITE (3, 80) temp, B(row) END DO 70 FORMAT (' Product of matrix A and approx. solution x in first column, B in second column:') 80 FORMAT (' ', 2E14.6) END SUBROUTINE ! Given: m the max number of equations (and number of variables) ! Task: This subroutine reads the input data from the text file, placing it ! into the parameters n, A, and B. ! Return: n the number of equations (and number of variables) in the system. ! A an n by n array containing the coefficients for the equations. ! B a linear array holding the n right-hand side values. ! Status An integer indicating whether the file-related operations worked: ! 0 = OK, 1 = input file open failed, 2 = output file open failed, ! 3 = read error, 4 = invalid value for n SUBROUTINE ReadData(A, B, n, m, Status) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(OUT)::n INTEGER, INTENT(IN)::m REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(m, m)::A REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(m)::B INTEGER, INTENT(OUT)::Status INTEGER::InStatus ! Status of open of input file. INTEGER::OutStatus ! Status of open of output file. INTEGER::row, col ! Loop control variables. CHARACTER(len=6)::INPUTFILENAME = '' CHARACTER(len=7)::OUTPUTFILENAME = 'leq.out' Status = 0 OPEN(UNIT=4, FILE=INPUTFILENAME, STATUS='OLD', ACTION='READ', IOSTAT=InStatus) IF (InStatus /= 0) THEN Status = 1 WRITE (*, *) 'Error trying to open file ', INPUTFILENAME, ', error number ', InStatus ELSE OPEN(UNIT=3, FILE=OUTPUTFILENAME, STATUS='REPLACE', ACTION='WRITE', IOSTAT=OutStatus) IF (OutStatus /= 0) THEN Status = 2 WRITE (*, *) 'Error trying to open file ', OUTPUTFILENAME, ', error number ', OutStatus ELSE ! both files opened OK READ (4, *, IOSTAT=InStatus) n IF (InStatus == 0) THEN ! No read error IF ((n < 1) .OR. (n > m)) THEN Status = 4 WRITE (3, *) "Invalid value for n, the number of equations and number of rows." ELSE DO row = 1, n DO col = 1, n READ (4, *, IOSTAT=InStatus) A(row, col) IF (InStatus /= 0) THEN ! read error or end of file Status = 3 EXIT END IF END DO END DO IF (InStatus == 0) THEN DO row = 1, n READ (4, *, IOSTAT=InStatus) B(row) IF (InStatus /= 0) THEN ! read error or end of file Status = 3 EXIT END IF END DO END IF END IF ELSE Status = 3 END IF END IF CLOSE (UNIT=4) END IF END SUBROUTINE