Grading Rubric for CS 205 Web Projects • 60% Correctness (meets its specifications), completeness, and originality Correctness and completeness means that the product works without errors. Originality means that the code appears to be your own, not something copied from some web site, etc. You are however, allowed to copy from the textbook and the examples supplied in this course. • 10% Good program design This means that the functionality is reasonably divided up into sensible pieces and that the type of technology used is reasonable for the task. Good design for a web application also means that it is easy for the user to navigate. • 10% Clarity, style, and readability This includes a reasonable horizontal and vertical spacing of the code, and the use of reaonable and understandable variable names. • 10% Good documentation Each HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or PHP file should contain your name and the date of completion, as well as a summary of the functionality that the contents provide. If functions are defined, each function should have a summary of what it does. • 10% Efficiency TOTAL: