/* Filename: Smiley.cpp * * Author: Br. David Carlson * * Date: July 6, 2009 * * Description: This GDK program draws a smiley face. The user can press any key to end the program. */ #include "DarkGDK.h" void DarkGDK() { int CenterX = 319, CenterY = 239; int r = 60; dbCircle(CenterX, CenterY, r); dbDot(CenterX - 20, CenterY - 15); dbDot(CenterX + 20, CenterY - 15); dbDot(CenterX, CenterY); dbLine(CenterX - 20, CenterY + 15, CenterX + 20, CenterY + 15); dbWaitKey(); }