/* Filename: avlnode.cpp Programmer: Br. David Carlson Reference: Data Structures with C++, by Ford and Topp Date: October 12, 1997 This file defines the constructor for the class AVLNodeClass, which is set up in avlnode.h. */ #include "avlnode.h" /* Given: Item Data item to place in Info field. LeftPtr Pointer to place in Left field. RightPtr Pointer to place in Right field. BalanceValue Value to place in Balance field. Task: This is the constructor. It's job is to create a new object containing the above 4 values. Return: Nothing directly, but the implicit object is created. */ AVLNodeClass::AVLNodeClass(const ItemType & Item, AVLNodeClass * LeftPtr, AVLNodeClass * RightPtr, int BalanceValue): // call BSTNodeClass constructor, initialize field: BSTNodeClass(Item, LeftPtr, RightPtr), Balance(BalanceValue) { #ifdef DEBUG cout << "DEBUG: AVLNodeClass constructor called" << endl; #endif }