/* Filename: square.cpp Author: Br. David Carlson Date: Jan 18, 1998 Revised: Jun 25, 2000; Nov 21, 2001; Feb 4, 2002; Jan 28, 2015 This program prompts the user to enter an integer from 2 to 11 as the size of a square array. Next, the user is prompted to enter integer values for this array. All values are to be between 1 and 999. The initial array is then printed. Next, in each row the minimum number is found and is then subtracted from all values in this row. The adjusted array is then printed. Tested with: Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 g++ under Linux */ #include #include using namespace std; const int MinSize = 2; const int MaxSize = 11; const int MinValue = 1; const int MaxValue = 999; const int Internal = 0; const int External = 1; typedef int ArrayType[MaxSize][MaxSize]; // Function prototypes: int GetSize(void); void FillSquare(ArrayType Square, int Size); void AdjustSquare(ArrayType Square, int Size); void PrintSquare(ArrayType Square, int Size); int GetMin(ArrayType Square, int Row, int Size); void PrintLine(int Size, int LineType); int main(void) { int Size; ArrayType Square; char Reply; Size = GetSize(); FillSquare(Square, Size); cout << endl << "Here is the initial square array:" << endl << endl; PrintSquare(Square, Size); AdjustSquare(Square, Size); cout << endl << "Here is the final array, after the adjustments:" << endl << endl; PrintSquare(Square, Size); cout << endl << "Enter g to go on: "; cin >> Reply; return 0; } /* Given: Nothing. Task: To prompt the user for an integer from MinSize to MaxSize and to insist on getting only that. Return: The user's number in the function name. */ int GetSize(void) { int Num; cout << "Enter the size for the square array, using an integer from " << MinSize << " to " << MaxSize << ": "; cin >> Num; while ((Num < MinSize) || (Num > MaxSize)) { cout << "Re-enter. Use an integer from " << MinSize << " to " << MaxSize << ": "; cin >> Num; } return Num; } /* Given: Size The desired size of the square array Square. Task: To prompt the user to enter items into array Square from row 0 to row Size - 1 and from column 0 to column Size - 1. All items entered are forced to fit the range MinValue to MaxValue. Return: Square The array of numbers. */ void FillSquare(ArrayType Square, int Size) { int Value, Row, Col; for (Row = 0; Row < Size; Row++) for (Col = 0; Col < Size; Col++) { cout << "Enter the value for row " << Row << " and column " << Col << ": "; cin >> Value; while ((Value < MinValue) || (Value > MaxValue)) { cout << "Re-enter. Use an integer from " << MinValue << " to " << MaxValue << ": "; cin >> Value; } Square[Row][Col] = Value; } } /* Given: Square Square array of numbers. Size The number of items in each row (and column) of Square. Task: To find the minimum item in each row and to subtract it from each item in that row. Return: Square The adjusted array. */ void AdjustSquare(ArrayType Square, int Size) { int Row, Col, RowMin; for (Row = 0; Row < Size; Row++) { RowMin = GetMin(Square, Row, Size); for (Col = 0; Col < Size; Col++) Square[Row][Col] = Square[Row][Col] - RowMin; } } /* Given: Square The square array of numbers. Row The index of one of the rows of numbers. Size The number of items in each row (or column) of Square. Task: To find the minimum item in row Row of this array Square. Return: This minimum in the function name. */ int GetMin(ArrayType Square, int Row, int Size) { int Min, Col; Min = Square[Row][0]; for (Col = 1; Col < Size; Col++) if (Square[Row][Col] < Min) Min = Square[Row][Col]; return Min; } /* Given: Square The 2-dimensional array of numbers. Size Number of items in a row (or col) of the square. Task: To print Square in a nicely formatted manner. */ void PrintSquare(ArrayType Square, int Size) { int Row, Col; PrintLine(Size, External); for (Row = 0; Row < Size; Row++) { cout << setw(1) << '|'; for (Col = 0; Col < Size; Col++) cout << setw(3) << Square[Row][Col] << setw(1) << '|'; cout << endl; if (Row != Size - 1) PrintLine(Size, Internal); } PrintLine(Size, External); } /* Given: Size The number of rows (or cols) in the array. LineType Either the const Internal or External. Task: This is a helping routine for PrintSquare. It's job is to print a horizontal line of the correct length based on Size. It begins and ends the line with the correct character for an internal or external line, based on LineType. Return: Nothing. */ void PrintLine(int Size, int LineType) { int Num; char StartChar; if (LineType == Internal) StartChar = '|'; else StartChar = ' '; cout << setw(1) << StartChar; for (Num = 0; Num < 4 * Size - 1; Num++) cout << setw(1) << '-'; cout << setw(1) << StartChar << endl; }