/* * Filename: mc7a.pro (marriage counsellor 7a) * * Programmer: Br. David Carlson * * Date of creation: September 4, 1993 * * Description: * * This program is used to predict the likelihood that 2 people have * (or will have) marriage problems. This version is interactive. Start * it with the goal: report. When asked to enter numeric probabilities * respond with something like 0.6. for 60%, 0.15. for 15%, etc. * * This program is the same as mc7.pro, except that it incorporates input * checking for the ask predicate, as suggested by Ed Moore. */ report :- write('Marriage Counsellor Expert System Report'), nl, nl, problems(marriage, Prob), write('Likelihood of overall marriage problems is '), write(Prob), nl. problems(marriage, Prob) :- problems(financial, FinProb), write('Likelihood of financial problems is '), write(FinProb), nl, problems(sexual, SexProb), write('Likelihood of sexual problems is '), write(SexProb), nl, problems(communications, CommProb), write('Likelihood of communications problems is '), write(CommProb), nl, problems(psychological, PsychProb), write('Likelihood of psychological problems is '), write(PsychProb), nl, problems(parental_divorce, ParDivProb), write('Degree of problems due to parental divorce is '), write(ParDivProb), nl, average5(FinProb, SexProb, CommProb, PsychProb, ParDivProb, Prob). problems(financial, Prob) :- ask('low earnings by husband', HusbProb), ask('low earnings by wife', WifeProb), average2(HusbProb, WifeProb, Prob). /* The 3 problems in the next section are seen as so important that the * resultant probability is the largest of the 3 probabilities, instead * of the average. */ problems(sexual, Prob) :- ask('husband unfaithful', HusbProb), ask('wife unfaithful', WifeProb), ask('husband impotent', ImProb), maximum3(HusbProb, WifeProb, ImProb, Prob). /* In the next section as well, the resultant probability is taken to be * the largest of the component probabilities. */ problems(communications, Prob) :- dominance(DomProb), abuse(AbuseProb), reticence(RetProb), maximum3(DomProb, AbuseProb, RetProb, Prob). problems(psychological, Prob) :- depression(DepressProb), psychosis(PsychProb), maximum2(DepressProb, PsychProb, Prob). problems(parental_divorce, Prob) :- ask('parents of husband divorced', HusbProb), ask('parents of wife divorced', WifeProb), average2(HusbProb, WifeProb, Prob). dominance(Prob) :- ask('domineering wife', WifeProb), ask('domineering husband', HusbProb), maximum2(WifeProb, HusbProb, Prob). abuse(Prob) :- ask('abusive husband', HusbProb), ask('abusive wife', WifeProb), maximum2(HusbProb, WifeProb, Prob). reticence(Prob) :- ask('reticent husband', HusbProb), ask('reticent wife', WifeProb), average2(HusbProb, WifeProb, Prob). depression(Prob) :- ask('depressed husband', HusbProb), ask('depressed wife', WifeProb), average2(HusbProb, WifeProb, Prob). psychosis(Prob) :- ask('psychotic husband', HusbProb), ask('psychotic wife', WifeProb), average2(HusbProb, WifeProb, Prob). ask(Message, Prob) :- write('Enter likelihood that: '), write(Message), write(' '), read(Prob), Prob >= 0, Prob =< 1. /* input checking */ ask(Message, Prob) :- write('Re-enter. Use a number from 0 to 1.'), nl, ask(Message, Prob). average5(N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, Avg) :- Avg is (N1 + N2 + N3 + N4 + N5) / 5. average2(N1, N2, Avg) :- Avg is (N1 + N2) / 2. maximum2(N1, N2, N1) :- N1 > N2, !. maximum2(_, N2, N2). maximum3(N1, N2, N3, Max) :- N1 > N2, !, maximum2(N1, N3, Max). maximum3(_, N2, N3, Max) :- maximum2(N2, N3, Max).