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ASP .NET Web Apps

Using Visual Basic .NET 2003

These web pages hope to show how to use ASP .NET to easily create web applications, especially those that provide a front-end to a database. Visual Basic .NET 2003 will be used as the programming language. A Visual Basic .NET 2005 version of these webpages is also available. This 2003 version is no longer maintained.

Most of the examples assume that you are already familiar with introductory programming in a language that is at least similar to Visual Basic. The examples that manipulate a database assume that you already know basic database concepts, such as what tables and queries are. The database examples use SQL Server but a background in Access, Oracle, or similar should be sufficient.

Table of Contents

  1. Introductory Examples
    1. A Simple Web App
    2. A Web App with Text Boxes and Buttons
    3. A Web App with a Calculation Procedure
    4. A Web App with a Drop-Down List
  2. Web Apps that are Front-ends to a Database
    1. A Web App that Gets Data from a Database
    2. A Database/Web App with User Input
    3. Maintaining Session State Information
    4. Using Cookies
    5. A DataReader Example
    6. Online Survey
      Includes login/logout and inserting of data into a table.
  3. E-commerce Web Apps
    1. Simple E-commerce App 1
      User selects a product from a drop-down list.
    2. Simple E-commerce App 2
      Add search functionality, with results shown in a data list.
    3. Simple E-commerce App 3
      Results of search shown in a data grid with paging.
    4. Simple E-commerce App 4
      Small changes to the previous app.
    5. Larger E-commerce App 1
      Groups products by category.
    6. Larger E-commerce App 2
      Adds product attributes, shopping cart, checkout process.
    7. Larger E-commerce App 3
      Uses a web service, suggests other additions and improvements.
  4. Further Information
  5. Search CIS Dept Web Pages
    Can be used to search for specific ASP programming items.
Author: Br. David Carlson
Last updated: November 30, 2008